We were asked to watch a video. In this video it discussed the rise of youtube and the most popular videos that were created that made youtube a sensation. The video talked about some of the previous videos that we watch in a recent class. This video explained what drew the audience to like certain videos. For explain the lonely girl video was a success because we was weird and awkward and her audiences love that. But her audiences was very shock when they found out that her videos were staged. But this is how you create an audience when you make a youtube video you are drawing an audiences and you are talking to just them. When you record it's just you in the room but when you upload a video your are reaching out to billions of people. When I watch youtube it's normally about hair tutorials, makeup, or loosing weight. I normally feel like the tutorial that I am watching is geared towards me or sometimes I feel like the persons that is making the videos are talking to me. This is good because the youtuber is establishing and audiences.
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