Well before having this class CM410 I had never heard of Rick Rolling until Dr. Nicholas explained it to us. I have actually had this performed on me with links on Facebook that have been sent to me and then it takes me to a whole different link. For an assignment we were asked to send a link to a family member or friend and pretend that we needed them to fill out something and Rick Roll them. I told my roomie that I needed her to fill out a room condition form through email. When she opened it she texted me and was like the link you sent me wasn't right. I told her she just got Rick Rolled. And we both laughed and I explained to her why I Rick Rolled her. Also, when I opened my email from Dr. Nicholas he tricked us by telling us that we had to fill out a form for the fire tablets but when you clicked on the form it took us to Rick Ashely's song. Good trick Dr. Nicholas!
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